null and uncaught JAX-RS error

Which IIQ version are you inquiring about?

Version 8.4

Please share any images or screenshots, if relevant.

Please share any other relevant files that may be required (for example, logs).

240313-1209-sailpoint-log.txt (22.3 KB)

Share all details related to your problem, including any error messages you may have received.

Attempting to navigate to “Top left corner menu button > Manage Identity > Create Identity” causes this error to appear.
It is likely not an issue with the custom Form object, as we have another environment which has the same form configured for Create Identity, but it works in the other environment.

Are there any loggers we can enable in to get a better look at the problem?
240314-Identity Create UI.xml (18.4 KB)


Could you confirm if you have any scripts or rules; allowed value or field value rules, calculating any values within the create identity form?

If you have any, could confirm if you employed null checks for all the variables being used.

Hi Sreeram,

I have now uploaded the form object in use for reference:

240314-Identity Create UI.xml

Hi Young,

Whenever you work with Database, try to use try and catch block as best practice.
I have added couple of try catch block and tested, It’s working in my environment.
Please find my working version attached below -
240314-Identity Create UI.xml (19.3 KB)

Mark it as solved, If it’s working.

Hi Amit,

Thanks for your input, unfortunately, that did not fix the issue. The same symptoms and error messages are still observed.

Hey @youngchan ,

Please clarify what’s your logic here, I don’t quite understand these few steps:

String counter = null;
while ( ) {
counter = rs.getString("id_num");
int count = Integer.parseInt(counter);

Also try running select * from identityiq.staff_id this query in your SQL workbench and verify if it returns something or not

Hi Hardik,

The identityiq.staff_id does return a result


@youngchan Try using the same query in your code like - select * from identityiqdb2.identityiq.staff_id

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We added some system.out.println to the form debug the values retrieved from DB, and the values were indeed shown. So it is likely not an issue related to querying to DB.