SaaS Connectivity: Building Your First Connector

Hello Philip,

Thanks a lot. This is an very interesting topic. May I ask some questions here:

  • What’s the environment setup required here, I assume it’s Windows, but I am confused how can we run the commands (such as sail, spcx), should we install any package locally?
  • I noticed in one of the post, it mentioned there is a SailPoint CLI utility, but the link seems not exists any more.
  • And if I understand correctly, this SaaS connector only handles endpoints connectivity which sits on cloud in IDN? it seems to WebServices connector of IIQ but in JavaScript, am I correct?
  • Also, do you have any idea, can such framework also used to connect application which is on-premise?

Sorry, due to private appointments, I did not make it to join the full live streaming in IDN part. And I am relatively new to IDN.

Thanks and regards,