Rule that removes negative = true from an identity

Which IIQ version are you inquiring about?

Version 8.1

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I wrote this code to remove negative=true from all the identities that have Active iiqStatus and Active orgstatus. But got a comment that this will work only for one identity.

Can anyone help me to clear me this confusion?

List bundleNames = new ArrayList();
List idenNames = new ArrayList();

QueryOptions qo = new QueryOptions();

//qo.setCloneResults(true); // this will stop iterator being closed on a commitTransaction()

qo.addFilter(Filter.and(Filter.eq("iiqStatus", "Active"),Filter.eq("orgStatus", "Hired")));

List userList = new ArrayList();

Iterator it =, qo);

while (it.hasNext()) {

Identity identityObj =;
//return identityObj;

List negroleAssignments = identityObj.getRoleAssignments();
//return negroleAssignments;

if (identityObj !=null)

List roleAssignments = identityObj.getRoleAssignments(); // getRoleAssignment methods returns the list of role assignment under the user
//return roleAssignments;

if (roleAssignments!= null) // check if roleAssignments exists in Identity
{ //return "not null";

for(RoleAssignment ra : roleAssignments)

{ //return ra;
if(ra !=null && ra.isNegative())




for (String b:bundleNames)
negroleAssignments = identityObj.getRoleAssignments(b);
Bundle bundl = context.getObjectByName(Bundle.class,b);

if(negroleAssignments != null)
for(RoleAssignment negrole : negroleAssignments)

//context.log("Negative Role Assignment has been removed");






if(idenNames != null && !idenNames.isEmpty())
return"Negative role assignment has been removed:"+ idenNames;

return bundleNames;

it should work for all users with the search criteria

Did you test this rule and facing any issue, one thing I observed using while you are using commit transaction within a while loop with query options using IncrementalObjectIterator instead of Iterator , below article will explain in detailed

IdentityIQ 8.0 and commitTransaction While Using an Iterator - Compass

Replace the line Iterator it =, qo);

IncrementalObjectIterator it= new IncrementalObjectIterator(context, Identity.class, qo);

Or Uncomment the line related clonedresults

One of this should be done, to go through all iterations and process.

Other than that I don’t see a issue here or code as it should handle all users not just a single user.

Thank you, Will this code will be different if we are running this rule through task?

I tested the rule. The iterator was being closed on a commitTransaction() but when I add this qo.setCloneResults(true); it ran without being closed

Rule should behave the same when you run via task as well

Only thing you have to make sure is either setClonedResults True or use IncrementalObjectIterator as mentioned above.

Thank you @iamksatish . Yes I will uncomment the setClonedResults True.

Sure, please do that and test , let us know if that worked.