Role Display Name in description field of Creating SNOW tickets how to do this

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Version 8.3

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i need help in doing this in ServiceNowManualProvisioningModule so please guide me to do this Role Display Name is updated in the description,
SNOW Integration design is updated. to Update Role display Name in the Description field while creating SNOW Tickets

Hello @haseenfarzana25, could please give more clarity on the requirement exactly what you want to achieve?

I need code for getting role display name in ticket description of SNOW Tickets in that it is having role and its display name but display name is not updated in ticket description so my requirements is to display role display name in Snow ticket description like “Role Display Name=” this is my requirements please help me with this

Is there any error you are getting, or you are looking for some to access attribute values itself?

if you have role object available in your code …then try .getDisplayName(); method to get the display name inside your snow ticket description field/value.

No error I have to write a code to get role display name in the description field while creating SNOW Tickets

How to get it
By using get method how

Will u please help me with exact code so that I can go through it once

you can share your code here or message me your current code (if you don’t want to share code on post)

Code part is done by getStringAttribute(“Display value”); method

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How to create a SNOW Tickets in my access

While raising role request getting error at logs null pointer exception how will I rectify it
It is facing error in
roleDisplayName = (String) identityRequestItem.getStringAttribute(“display leValue”);
if(Util.isNullorEmpty(roleDisplayName)) {
roleDisplayName=(String) identityRequestItem.getValue();
log.trace("roleDisplayName: " + roleDisplayName);

In this code I’m getting null pointer exception please help me with this

Hello @haseenfarzana25, if you are getting null pointer exception means, may be the identityRequestItem doesn’t have assignedRoles. Please use loggers and see the values are coming or not.

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