Searching roles or entitlements by any content part of the name

Which IIQ version are you inquiring about?

Version 8.3

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Hi community,

It is possible to modify some configuration in the IIQ portal, so that the search mode can be changed for some sections of the portal such as “Entitlement Catalog” and “Roles”, so that it is done based on the content of the name (with a filter contains), and not with a “StartWith”.

The above so that the search for these objects can be performed, using any word that is within their name?

Additionally, is it possible that the role search (within the roles section) can be performed by the description field and not just by the role name?

Thanks in advance.

for role you can update the SystemConfiguration searchInputDefinitions. There may be some option of ManagedAttribute but I didn’t find any option for ManagedAttribute.

<SearchInputDefinition description="srch_input_def_name" headerKey="name" ignoreCase="true" inputType="Like" matchMode="START" name="" propertyName="name" propertyType="String" searchType="Role"/>
<SearchInputDefinition description="srch_input_def_name" headerKey="name" ignoreCase="true" inputType="Like" matchMode="ANYWHERE" name="" propertyName="name" propertyType="String" searchType="Role"/>```

Thanks @HemantSingh,

I changed the SystemConfiguration object with these values:

However, when I search for a role by some part of its name that is not the initial, for example “Payable”:

I still get no results:


I have tested it on 8.2 and 8.3 and it works. which version your are on ? may be close your browser or clear browser cache or restart the application server after making the change and then test it.

@HemantSingh, IIQ version is 8.3p3 (I also tested in another environment with 8.3p1).

I restarted tomcat, I closed the browser completely, I opened in private browsing and tried again (with different browsers), but I still can’t do the role queries (in Roles section) with another part of the role name.

Is there something missing in the configuration?

I’ve confirmed that the “starts with” search is hardcoded on this screen, at least in 8.4.

It is not hardcoded on the next tab over, Role Search.

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I see ANYWHERE search you have added works from “Role Search” not from “Role Navigation” as mentioned by @ Devin Rosenbauer. It was Role Search in my mind when I was responding to this.

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Thanks @HemantSingh , @drosenbauer, It works for me (in Role Search Section) :ok_hand:.

Do you know if it is possible to add the description attribute in the Role Search section?

I am sure if its possible straight forward to enable search of the description in role. the description is stored in LocalizedAttribute object and that is not available for search under Role Search.
If its really needed then I can give an idea or workaround but remember that I am not recommending this. You can create role extended attribute with name description or searchDescription and the some other process which reads the LocalizedAttribute on regular basis and updated the extended attribute with the LocalizedAttribute message and then you can try to enable the ANYWHERE search on newly create searchable index attribute. this may have some other limitation as well specially when you have implemented the localized description in language other than English also.

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Thanks @HemantSingh.

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