Request Center - Set Expiration Date

Hi all,

I would need to be able to modify the attribute ‘Set Expiration Date’ to make it mandatory or to be able to set a value ourselves by means of a script or something similar, is it possible to do any of these options?.


Hi Adrian,

unfortunately is not possible customize that UI to make ‘Expiration date’ a mandatory field

Hello Gustavo,

Thanks for your answer, do you know if it is possible to do it through API? or if it is possible to put a default value to that field?

It sounds like the ability to configure your request center to make the expiration date required and/or provide a default expiration date is a good idea for our UI, and something others would like to see. Can you please submit your idea to That way the product team can track your request and potentially implement it if there are enough votes.

As for doing this via API, you have a couple of options that are very involved and probably not what you wanted to get into, but they should work.

  1. You can use the submit access request endpoint in your own access request process outside of IDN’s request center. This endpoint allows you to specify the remove date for each item being requested in a programmatic way, so you can make it required or apply a default.
  2. You can set up the access request pre approval event trigger to listen for newly created access requests. If any access request coming through the trigger doesn’t have a remove date, then you can cancel that access request and recreate the access request with the same details plus the default remove date that you want. This option will eventually be possible with the Workflows product we are working on, but it’s not entirely clear when all of the pieces need to implement this specific use case will be in place. However, you can still do this using other tools like a custom web service or AWS EventBridge.

Just to reiterate, getting this implemented in the request center UI is the better way to go, but if you don’t want to wait for that to happen then you could try and use the API.

Hello Colin,

Thank you very much for your reply, I have listened to you and opened the case as an idea. You know you can vote for it too (^_^).

Set the ‘Set Expiration Date’ field in the request | SailPoint Ideas

Thank you.

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