Is there a plan to replace the functionality to grab the content of Certification Campaign Remediation reports? I opened a ticket to support in 2022 and they provided me an undocumented way to grab that data through the cc API. Does anyone know if there is an equivalent to the below in the v3 or beta APIs since the cc is being decomissioned? The script I created to grab this data is a HUGE time saver.
- Using your preferred API client, run the following:
GET https://{org-name}{id}
- You will see a response similar to the one below. The taskResult ID is actually the ReportID. You need this for step 2.
[ { "created": 1583526951293, "currentDate": 1614030204839, "name": "Campaign Status Report", "status": "Success", "taskResultId": "2c91808gd7..." }, { "created": 1583526951646, "currentDate": 1614030204841, "name": "Certification Signoff Report", "status": "Success", "taskResultId": "2c91808s4709..." }, { "created": 1583526952006, "currentDate": 1614030204844, "name": "Campaign Composition Report", "status": "Success", "taskResultId": "2c9180847d09..." }
- Using the taskResultId from the response you received in step 1 as the ReportId, run the following:
GET https://{org-name}{ReportId}?format=pdf
In the header give name as the report name.
key: name value: "Campaign Status Report"
Alternatively, you can give in the URL like this: