Re-aggregation after manual Account Removal Not Working


I updated manager source correlations after an account aggregation, and did not see the desired mapping taking place. I attempted to manually remove the particular account in question that was not getting correlated to a manager, with the intention of running an account aggregation after that to “force” it to derive a valid manager correlation.

Unfortunately, the removed account is not showing up on the account aggregation following an account removal. I saw this message before removing, making me think this should work:

Then I attempted Account Aggregation (both manually in UI and using the V3 API endpoint {{baseUrl}}/cc/api/source/loadAccounts/:id), but neither result in the removed account being aggregated again.

I’ve been able to get around this in the past by running a source reset using the /reset endpoint, but I’d prefer not to as I feel I’ve noted inconsistent source aggregation behavior after using that endpoint as well.

Has anyone experienced this and/or does anyone have any workarounds in mind?


Have you tried running an “unoptimized” aggregation?


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Hi Nithesh, thank you for your response. I should’ve been a bit clearer. Yes, when I tried the API aggregation I set the disableOptimization flag to true.

Hi everyone,

Even we are facing the same issue and how to resolve these accounts so that can be aggregated?


Hi Kalyana, sorry you’re running into the same thing. I did not find a clear workaround other than than to use the /reset endpoint and then re-aggregate.

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