Question About Search Function

Hi All,

I’m looking to build a search query to get the list of users from the Workday source with an attribute: last_day_of_work value today to tomorrow. Can someone please help me with the query.

Thank you and Best Regards

Documentation suggests that account attributes are not searchable, only identity attributes.

Perhaps the simplest solution would be to create a new identity attribute via identity profile mappings, mapped to that Workday account attribute?

Searching identity attributes via search is as simple as
for example:
attributes.businessTitle:"Support Agent"

If you need to search by a date range, the attribute would also need to be the correct format. Greater/less than operators are supported.

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Thanks for your response @M_rtenH.
Got it. But is there a way to search for the source attributes directly without having to create an identity attribute mapping.

Not to my knowledge - but if there is, it should be listed here Searchable Fields - SailPoint Identity Services

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