Parent EndPoint for Create/Modify Operations

Hello Experts,

Do we have the Parent Endpoint functionality for the Create/Modify Operations (Webservice Connector)? I know we have one for the Aggregations.

If the answer is NO, what would be the alternate to call multi end points for one operation?

version: 8.3 and above


According to the documentation , the Parent Endpoint is only applicable for operations of type aggregation and get object.

but …

It is possible to call a webservice endpoint from both the Web Service Before Operation Rule and Web Service After Operation Rule. For both you have all the info of the Operation, like requestEndPoint, etc.

– Remold

Thank you Remold, if I were to call more than 2 endpoints in the before/after rule there will be overhead of handling exceptions/audit and parsing the responses right?

Exception handling might be a thing.

If I were in this situation I would do the create and in the after operation rule schedule a new workflow to process the remainder steps. For instance create a new modify plan and call the LCM Provisioning workflow (which will again use the Web Services connector with the Update Account Endpoint).

(I hope this is clear enough :wink: )
– Remold

Thanks Remold! appreciate your response!

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