On-boarding work flow

Does identity refresh triggers on-boarding work flow or joiner work flow though identity is already have terminated life cycle state? kindly help on this

Hi @shaffusailpoint,

Not sure if I fully understand your question. If your question is regarding the Identity refresh for identities, you may want to look into this thread that details the Identity state features :

If you question is about WF’s, what trigger are you referring to.?

Hi Joseph, thank you! actually user is terminated, we are not sure why joiner workflow is triggered. is there any case or reason behind this? (this happened particularly when terminated user taken out of archived in target HR system)

Hi @shaffusailpoint,

Is your joiner workflow an actual workflow in IDN.? or it is getting triggered through birthright roles or Identity profile configuration.? - Either case you would want to check and see the conditions you have configured for an account to be created in the source.

When you say “Terminated user taken out of archived in target” does it mean the user got deleted from your target system.?

You may also want to check if there were any entitlements directly requested for the user through the Access request module. Deleting the accounts directly could trigger account creation again due to the entitlement stickiness.

I can say yes it is deleted from target system, but it stayed as archived and later taken out. that’s where joiner workflow triggered and the trigger related to LCS

Hi @shaffusailpoint,

What entitlement/access was assigned to the user when the account got re-created.?

Is it an entitlement that was requested earlier through the IDN access request module.?

Or is it something that is configured in the role or LCS.?

those are BR’s which are holding access profiles. They are not requested from IDN access request module and yes this is configured in LCS


Does the terminated LCS add any access profile to the user.?

The Access profiles in the LCS are enforced too but not sure if it will create the account if the original account got deleted.

luckily it does not added any, but due to this the mail triggered to recipients that is a part of joiner workflow. Hence recipients have no idea why this mail triggered though user is terminated.

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