Okta Connector Error

Hi Folks,

Need your assistance on following error.

java.lang.IllegalStateException: X-Total-Count has not been returned from Search API

We are using OOTB Okta connector. Entitlement aggregation is working fine.

Hi Mahesh, can you share what API query you’re sending?

Hi Adam,

We are using OOTB connector without any filter conditions for accounts and "type eq “BUILT_IN” or type eq “OKTA_GROUP” filter condition in group filters

X-Total-Count is a sailpoint API header. You wouldn’t use that inside the config for the OOTB Okta connector.

When you send an API call back to IdentityNow, you can add count=true to the URL and that returns X-Total-Count in the IDN API response.

I am not able to figure out where and how, I should make changes to get rid of this error. As I am using OOTB connector. Can you please help.

Yeah of course. Can you screenshot your config and redact any sensitive bits of info like domain name or company info?

Hi Adam,

attached is the configuration for OKTA OOTB connector.

did you put a “count” or something like that in your aggregation settings page?

These are the configurations I have done in OOTB connectors.

Seems like a glitch in the connector. Quickest way to get a resolution would be to create a Support ticket with Sailpoint.

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