When i try the command va-bootstrap set-passphrase i am getting the "Command not found " error and I have downloaded the VA image from the above page only. FYI, I am trying this from Partner demo tenant
I even tried using sudo but still it’s not working, it just says command not found. Following is the screenshot from VA:
Yes the documentation is same but when we create a new cluster and then try to add new VA then you will be able to see the updated steps as shown in the above screenshot.
Just wondering if the documentation is up to date or not and also if the VA is built with va-bootstrap or not because these steps are provided when we are actually creating the VA but not present in the documentation
My dev-rel tenant, when trying to add a new VA states the following:
Sounds like the partner tenants may be different.
Setting up a virtual appliance (VA) requires a strong background in Linux and an understanding of your organization’s virtualization platform. For detailed instructions, refer to the VA Documentation.
Note: A new VA is not saved to the cluster until you successfully test the connection after setup.
Download the VA image and copy it to your virtualization platform
Start the VA image, login with User Name: sailpoint Password: S@ilp0int, and then change the password immediately
As a best practice, set a static IP address and DNS settings
Download the VA config file
Change the default keyPassphrase to your organization’s chosen VA passphrase
Copy the VA config file to the VA image as follows:
scp /va-config-2c90593a91b828aa0191c74a23f80034.yaml sailpoint@:/home/sailpoint/config.yaml
Yeah, seems like this behavior is present only in Partner Tenants. I have validated in two more partner tenants and it has same updated steps with va-bootstrap command. @colin_mckibben / @derek_putnam by any chance do you have any thoughts on this change in partner tenants? Thanks in advance.
identitynow-demo tenants have not been updated to use the new VA setup instructions. Please continue to use the old setup instructions for the time being. The new VA setup will be available to demo tenants in the next few weeks. Exact date is still TBD.
Thanks for providing the information Colin, this helps, I hope without providing pairing code also it works in demo tenants, if that doesn’t work then we might not be able to deploy new VAs on demo tenants
Thanks for the update. But unfortunately, cannot proceed with the old configuration steps as the config.yaml file is not available for the newly deployed VA.
va-bootstrap set-passphrase’ does not work, even in the newly downloaded image of VA. I am getting a 'command not found’ error. I downloaded the VA image directly from the Virtual Appliance page (https://.identitynow-demo.com/ui/a/admin/connections/virtual-appliances/clusters//clients), but I am still encountering this issue. Can you please tell me how to fix it?
@colin_mckibben : Its very complicated to understand as UI has been updated properly and I also tried to follow all steps whatever mentioned to configure VA, Now when I am trying to run va-bootstrap pair it generate some value which IDN tenant not able to match it up, I tried to check charon.log it says
{"@timestamp":"2024-09-17T07:09:30.844","level":"ERROR","type":"credential","message":"Config file not in place."}
{"@timestamp":"2024-09-17T07:10:00.875","level":"ERROR","type":"credential","message":"Config file not in place."}
{"@timestamp":"2024-09-17T07:10:30.905","level":"ERROR","type":"credential","message":"Config file not in place."}
{"@timestamp":"2024-09-17T07:11:00.924","level":"ERROR","type":"credential","message":"Config file not in place."}
{"@timestamp":"2024-09-17T07:11:30.940","level":"ERROR","type":"credential","message":"Config file not in place."}
{"@timestamp":"2024-09-17T07:12:00.967","level":"ERROR","type":"credential","message":"Config file not in place."}
I am not having any config.yaml file and those steps what need to follow, your guidance may required to set up new VA, let us know which configuration we need to follow ?
I am also experiencing the same errors… I use an identitynow-demo tenant as well.
Had to deploy a new VA, which had the va-bootstrap commands working properly. However, the generated pairing code results in “Pairing Incomplete, Code is expired or not found.” error in IdentityNow.
I am also missing the config.yaml-file on the new VA, and there are no instructions regarding the config.yaml file in IdentityNow, so it seems we cannot connect VA’s to demo tenants for the time being?
Thanks, but as there are no config.yaml file provided for download from IdentityNow interface while setting up a new VA, how should I proceed with using the old process?
My Prod tenant switch over to the new setup today. I’m able to ran command “va-bootstrap set-passphrase”. it generated pairing code. I pasted to the portal to complete the pairing process. However it been an hour my newly added VA still show up as draft mode.
Hi Colin, the partner demo tenant where I’m adding the first new VA into only has the ‘va-bootstrap set-passphrase’ option and not the previous yaml file method for pairing.
What is the solution here, as it looks like we’re all getting the same errors with no resolution?
Have I missed something, or are you suggesting I wait for a few weeks before trying to add my VA to my partner demo tenant?
The new VA deployment guide that is shown in the UI should work for demo tenants starting tomorrow. You will need to ensure you download the latest VA image from the guide in the UI.