Nested JSON breaks when using WebServices Connector Keyword like $plan.example$

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I am trying to set up an integration with the WebServices Connector and I am using the form-data body, where I am nesting a JSON object within one of the values for a key. This works fine as long as I am using static attribute values within this JSON. But as soon as I am replacing those with placeholders like $plan.attribute$ to get the values from the plan dynamically, the nested JSON breaks somehow. I was able to narrow it down, that it must be the period (.) which breaks the JSON and only retruns it value, but not the whole JSON anymore. The troubleshooting section of the documentation shows a similar issue during aggregation, where the period (.) can be escaped by using , but this does not work in this particular case.

With static attribute values the body looks like this:
bodyFormData=“{metaDataValues={“meta-email”: “test@test”,“meta-lastname”:“lastname”,“meta-firstname”:“firstname”,“meta-employeeid”:“0123456789”}, description=Test, force=true, category=test, title=test}” bodyFormat=“formData”

With the $plan.attribute$ version the body looks like this:
bodyFormData=“{metaDataValues=0123456789, description=Test, force=true, category=test, title=test}” bodyFormat=“formData”

it completely drops the nested JSON behind metaDataValues and only provides the value of $plan.attribute$

A screenshot of the form-data config is attached, where the nested JSON looks like this:

{“meta-email”: “test@test”,“meta-lastname”:“lastname”,“meta-firstname”:“firstname”,“meta-employeeid”:$plan.employeeID$}

I tried everything like escaping quotation marks and all kind of stuff, but looks more like a bug?

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Hi @lennard_sandersfeld did you find a solution for this issue?

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