Need to send email to only preferred approver and not the entire workgroup

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During the entitlement request user has an option to select the approver from list of approvers ( workgroup /list of approvers) , once the preferred approver is selected the email should be sent only for the preferred approver and not all the members of the workgroup. (Workitem will be assigned to all approvers but email should be sent only for preferred approver.

Please suggest how to achieve this in LCM

Do you have a way to know which person is the preferred?
It will require custom code , and probaly change all the Send Email steps to do you custom code.

OOTB there’s no way to do that.

@Deepamv77, If there is way to know who is approver selected, then you can write a custom code to update the approval item owner to selected approver.

Thats is exactly what i just wrote down. smh .

Hi @vivek_kumar9 ,
Thanks for the response, yes the preferred approver is known , approval item owner should still be the workgroup or the list of identities , but only the email and reminders should be sent for preferred approver selected.
I tried updating the identity request notify workflow by adding additional step as below to send email to preferred approver but still email is being sent to all members, could you please suggest if there any changes required in subprocess workflows or only I need to modify the LCM provisioning workflow .
In LCM provisioning workflow where this can be achieved

 <Step action="call:sendEmail" icon="Email" name="Notify PrefApprover" posX="884" posY="10">
    <Arg name="template" value="NotifyAd"/>
    <Arg name="to" value="[email protected]"/>
    <Transition to="end"/>

Hi @ipobeidi ,

Thank you for the response.

Could you please suggest which step of the workflow can be used to handle the email sent for approval , I updated the Notify step to redirect to a different template added in identity request notify step but still emails are being sent to the entire workgroup

Hi @Deepamv77,

This workflow is only invoked once your entire approval process is complete and the request is completed.

If you want to control the approval mail, then try manipulating the same in the InterceptorScript in the subprocess “Provisioning Approval Subprocess” for step named “Approval”.

Let me know if further insight is needed.


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