Mount S3 bucket - File based apps are not working

Team ,

We have set up an S3 bucket on the iiq host and given the application user the necessary permissions. We have changed the file path to the S3 mount point, and the limited applications are now able to test the connection without issue. But the following error is causing the aggregate to fail.

Exception during aggregation of Object Type account on Application LoadUsers. Reason: Unable to create iterator sailpoint.connector.ConnectorException: Unable to open filestream for file: /s3/data/datafile.csv

investigating the cause of IdentityIQ’s failure to process the file, even though the test connection is operational.

Hi @sukuramssukurams,

test connection and aggregation dont have a strong correlation. Sure if the test connection fails even the aggregation fails, but if the test works doesnt means the aggregation works.

Your error could depends on the schema or on identity attribute you have choose for accounts or the delimiter or the encoding.

If you want share the configuration of connetor and example of file

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