Manager Attribute is not showing its value while viewing Identity from Identity warehouse

Hi, I did delimited file integration as authoritative application and after Identity mapping, Identity refresh task. I am unable to see manager attribute value while viewing an identity from Identity warehouse. After Identity mapping and refresh Identity refresh task, First name, Display name is showing attribute value but not the manager attribute value from identity warehouse if we select any user identity. Any leads, appreciated.

Hi Vasanth,

Can you check two things and try:-

  1. If the source mapping to manager identity attribute is done with source authoritative manager’s attribute.
  2. Then, run refresh identity task on the manager and the user with “Refresh manager status” option selected.


Hi Rajdeep,
Yes, under Identity mapping, manager Identity attribute has been mapped to only one manager attribute source(only one application on boarded).

Also, While running identity refresh task, Refresh manager status option is automatically selected by default while running identity refresh cube. I do see manager value of an user under application accounts of an Identity but same manager attribute value is not displayed while viewing an identity from attributes tab of the user in Identity warehouse.


Oh ok now, Go to debug page and check the identity cube of the manager, check whether the attribute “managerStatus=true” or not?

Following was the Identity of the manager. I fetched this details from Debug page → Identity → Manager Identity(101011).

For some reason under the following context, I do not see manager attribute key(Is it due to identity mapping is not proper.

<Attributes> <Map> <entry key="Department" value="Civil"/> <entry key="Designation" value="IT Analyst"/> <entry key="Location" value="USA"/> <entry key="displayName" value="Captain America"/> <entry key="email" value="[email protected]"/> <entry key="firstname" value="Captain"/> <entry key="lastname" value="America"/> <Attributes> <Map>

Complete Idnetity cube of manager User:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE Identity PUBLIC "sailpoint.dtd" "sailpoint.dtd">
<Identity correlated="true" created="1656434556955" id="c0a800ac81ab1f9e8181ab31801a0031" lastRefresh="1656496669444" modified="1656496669445" name="101011">
      <entry key="Department" value="Civil"/>
      <entry key="Designation" value="IT Analyst"/>
      <entry key="Location" value="USA"/>
      <entry key="displayName" value="Captain America"/>
      <entry key="email" value="[email protected]"/>
      <entry key="firstname" value="Captain"/>
      <entry key="lastname" value="America"/>
    <AttributeMetaData attribute="email" source="HRApp1:Email"/>
    <AttributeMetaData attribute="firstname" source="HRApp1:FirstName"/>
    <AttributeMetaData attribute="lastname" source="HRApp1:LastName"/>
    <AttributeMetaData attribute="Department" source="HRApp1:Department"/>
    <AttributeMetaData attribute="Designation" source="HRApp1:Designation"/>
    <AttributeMetaData attribute="Location" source="HRApp1:Location"/>
    <Link created="1656434556957" displayName="101011" id="c0a800ac81ab1f9e8181ab31801d0032" lastRefresh="1656434556957" modified="1656434556961" identity="101011">
        <Reference class="sailpoint.object.Application" id="c0a800ac81ab1f9e8181ab2a5f410020" name="HRApp1"/>
          <entry key="Department" value="Civil"/>
          <entry key="Designation" value="IT Analyst"/>
          <entry key="Email" value="[email protected]"/>
          <entry key="Employee Status" value="Terminated"/>
          <entry key="EmployeeID" value="101011"/>
          <entry key="FirstName" value="Captain"/>
          <entry key="LastName" value="America"/>
          <entry key="Location" value="USA"/>
          <entry key="Manager" value="101011"/>
  <Scorecard created="1656435449577" id="c0a800ac81ab19908181ab3f1ee90013"/>

Hi Vasanth,

We don’t see “managerStatus=true” in

Identity correlated="true" created="1656434556955" id="c0a800ac81ab1f9e8181ab31801a0031" lastRefresh="1656496669444" modified="1656496669445" name="101011"

Can you refresh this “manager user” - not actual user with “Refresh manager status” option checked? and check for the tag “managerStatus=true” like below:-

Identity correlated="true" created="1656434556955" id="c0a800ac81ab1f9e8181ab31801a0031" lastRefresh="1656496669444" managerStatus="true" modified="1656496669445" name="101011"


Hi Rajdeep,
Thanks for your response. I am new to Sailpoint, while Onboarding i did not choose manager correlation attribute. I reconfigured and did app aggregation and Identity refresh. It works perfectly fine now.


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