Input to the the table is a combination of 4 characters (each character is created by reading an account attribute and assigning a letter based on the attribute value. I have not included these to avoid any confusion) and the life cycle state value should be set based on the input. However conditions are such that:
If first character is A, then check the second character and third and fourth…
But if first character is B, then LCS will be inactive without checking the following characters
Similar skip subsequent characters conditions may appear after 2nd, 3rd characters too
Hence I was thinking if there is a way to use regex for key, I could use different combinations to avoid mentioning every possible input value in the table.
Or any other possible simple solution for such a case
We have total 4 parameters to check… and each of them has between 3-5 possible values.
So there will be possibly around close 100 combinations possible. But, for some values of certain parameters we don’t have to check any further and simply return the value (This is why I was thinking of regex option)
I will try this as I will have to check and confirm if this transform executes replacement operation in the same order as key/value pairs are listed inside "table":{...}. I hope (and pretty sure) it does