JSON Expression Invalid

I am using the below JSON expression. And it says invalid in the trigger inside the workflow. But, when I am trying the same expression to evaluate the value it is working fine.

$.requestedItemsStatus[?(@.name =~ /Eng.*?/i && @.operation == “Add” && @.type == “ACCESS_PROFILE”)]

Please refer to the below screenshot:

Could you please confirm that workflow support these complex JSON expression?

It appears the validation logic doesn’t like it when a regex is first in the set of criteria that uses &&. Try moving the regex to the last position.

$.requestedItemsStatus[?(@.operation == "Add" && @.type == "ACCESS_PROFILE" && @.name =~ /Eng.*?/i)].name

In the meantime, I will submit a bug report to engineering so the regex can be inserted anywhere.

FYI, engineering fixed this. You can now put the regex pattern anywhere.


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