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we have developed JDBC Application in Dev environment and added postgresql jar file in web-inf/lib location. there(DEV) it is working fine and when we deploy into the QA environment then we are getting the below mentioned error.we are using same credentials , which we have used in DEV environment.
With the same credentials we have connected to Database also , the test connection is also working good.
ConnectorException ] [ Error details ] The server encountered an unexpected error while contacting target system. Please check the logs. Failure trying to get a pooled connection to [jdbc:postgresql://server001:1880/aeon] org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: FATAL: password authentication failed for user “user_001”
Thank you for your message. Is the test connection working on QA or do you get the error when you try to aggregate? Are you using the same application object as in DEV? I would try to enter again the password using the UI and save just to discard any problem related to the encrypted password.
Thanks for the reply.
Through UI changed password checked and tried by applying the encrypted password also. Both the ways i have tried , but getting the same above mentioned error.
If we import the application.xml file manually from DEV to QA , then it is working fine.
when we deployed on QA again we are getting above mentioned error.
Compare both the working XML from development (dev) and the non-working XML from QA of the application. You will find what’s causing the issue. Beyond Compare is a free software that I keep handy for comparing files.