Getting error while integrating PostgreSQL DB in IDN

I am getting below error while connecting postgresql database from SailPoint IdentityNow using JDBC Connector:

database details: The DB is behind the VPC. postgresql-42.1.1
Postgresql version: 13.15

Connection details:
URL: jdbc:postgresql://<ip_address>:<port_no>/<database_name>
Driver Class: org.postgresql.Driver
Jar Version: postgresql-42.7.4.jar
Test Connection SQL Query: SELECT 1

Hi @dipali ,

Here are a few troubleshooting methods we can consider:

  • Capture and review the detailed VA logs to identify any specific error messages or codes.
  • Please check if server is reachable from VA using “ping” or “nc” commands or for any firewall issue
  • Verify if the service account has the necessary permissions.
  • Verify that the IP address of the target system is whitelisted
  • If the target system uses TLS, ensure that the necessary certificates are correctly configured on the VA.


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We have tried these troubleshooting commands. we have whitelisted our ip at application side.
error got changed slightly:

Error Received:

[ ConnectorException ] [ Error details ] The server encountered an unexpected error while contacting target system during test configuration operation. Please check the logs. SSL error: Read timed out

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