JDBC || Remove access while disabling the account

Hey Guys,

This is for JDBC Connector application.

While disabling the account we have to remove the existing access, to achieve that I have added disable provisioning policy and below is the field mapping to get the existing access.

“name”: “EXSTGROUP”,
“transform”: {
“attributes”: {
“attributeName”: “GROUPNAME”,
“sourceName”: “SourceName”
“type”: “accountAttribute”
“attributes”: {},
“isRequired”: false,
“type”: “”,
“isMultiValued”: true

GROUPNAME is the entitlement attribute and multi valued, the problem is EXSTGROUP is fetching only first value from the GROUPNAME.

if anyone has implemented the same use case please help

Note: Using JDBC Provisioning Rule

You can achieve this using before provisioning rule. You need to pass remove attribute request for group attribute(which in your case is EXSTGROUP).