JAR File Extraction from Virtual Appliances

Does anyone know how to get a JAR file back from a Source and/or Virtual Appliance? 2 Uses cases:

  1. Configuration of multiple JDBC (or similar) sources that require a JAR file be added to the source configuration. The source screen shows the name of the file which normally contains a version number, but this is no guarantee that a file with the same name is actually the same file and it would be ideal to download the existing JAR file for reference and/or installation on the next JDBC connection.
  2. Migration from SBX → UAT → PRD. Similar to above it would be ideal to be able to download the existing JAR file from the source system to promote it forward ensuring it’s the EXACT SAME file.

Hi Ed,
You can refer this doc for downloading Jar files for your JDBC source:

It contains required information about the supported driver JAR files for the related databases. You can get the exact same file for your sources.


Continuing the discussion from JAR File Extraction from Virtual Appliances:

Hi Ed,

Another important thing to note is that when you download jar file from the above shared website, make sure that you download exactly the same version of jar files similar to your JDBC source, otherwise you may face an issue while establishing test connection, aggregating accounts or provisioning accounts with JDBC source.

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The REAL QUESTION remains though - How do you get a JAR file back if you don’t have the original source file?

Definitely aware of this page for the standard JDBC jar files, but we regularly work with clients that have custom JAR files to perform the add/update/delete of account data also.

If things are well controlled including keeping copies of the files, downloading from a specific source, etc. then everything is good.

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