Is it possible to trigger Connector Rule (ConnectorAfterModify/AfterCreate) or PS Script directly from Workflows in IDN


Is it possible to trigger a Connector rule from Workflows based on Event Trigger (attribute changes) and Rule would further call PS script.


Any direct way to call PS script from Workflow instead of calling rule !

Thanks in Advance.

Hi Yeswanth,

At this time there is no way for Workflows to interact with connectors or rules.

Thanks for the response @colin_mckibben
How about calling a PowerShell Script directly from Workflows with no rule based on some Identity attribute change?

In our use case we have to do a lot of workaround to trigger the PowerShell from IDN right now.
High level : Need to have a dedicated ID attribute, Enable Attribute sync on AD, Trigger ModifyAfterRule when Account Modified , Rule would trigger PS script from IQServer.

To clarify, there is no native way to interact with connectors/rules from Workflows. You could create a custom web service that you can invoke from workflows using the HTTP action. This web service could theoretically have the necessary functionality to interact with connectors and rules.

Yep. We thought of same option but just wanted to double check all options before we finalize the approach.