IQ service is failing to update the attributes

We are getting below error in the adminstrative console provisioning
Error(s) reported back from the IQService - Failed to update attributes

Hey @akhil_chidurala it might help others if you provide more information about your issue like what were you doing that led to this, where did you see it, what version of IIQ are you on, etc.

Giving context will increase your chances of finding someone who might know more about what’s going on :slight_smile:

If this is all what you get from IQService (in case of provisioning to the AD Group similar error messages are more verbose and point straight to the problem) - then without modifying anything you could get more verbose errors (in the UI often error display is limited)

  1. Sailpoint log file
  2. Active Directory DC logs - the error refers to IQService service account not being able to update user attributes
  3. IQService trace.log (you may need to increase log level for IQService).

But generally this error from AD refers to:

  • non-existent account
  • invalid account attributes (typos in attribute names)
  • missing permissions to update attribute(s) on particular account

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