We essentially need to run the API on a test/account aggregation operation. This will start an unoptimized aggregation on another source in the tenant.
The issue we are facing with the new API is that when the content type is multipart/form-data we receive a 500 error.
I can get this API to work in Bruno with the content type set to multipart/form-data. However, when the request is sent the content type calculates a boundary e.g content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=--------------------------example
The API is triggered on an account aggregation operation in a web services source (Not using a before-operation rule). Once we start an aggregation on the web services source, it calls the API which runs an aggregation on another source. This currently works but we can’t get the aggregation to have disable optimization set to true. It would be great if the API worked for content type x-www-form-urlencoded.
Hi Daniel, I am. Working here, but when using inside http request action on a workflow, aggregation performs optimized (and of course disableOptimization is sending with true value). Triggering from postman works right.
Out of curiosity, have you tried using the Curl functionality on the web services connector?
If you see the http request in postman, you can see the request in curl format in postman, and try to copy this to the web service connector.
I haven’t tried this myself, but since curl supports passing form data and since the web service connector support curl. I wonder if this means that SailPoint also supports passing form data to through the curl account.