IIQDisabled not working for JDBC Connector

I have a JDBC Connector, and am setting the value of “IIQDisabled” to true/false depending on another attribute as referenced in the documentation here: Loading a Single Account or Group

I also reviewed these two related articles:

But neither helped.

When I look at the account, I can see the value is set correctly:

However, when I run the aggregation (unoptimized or through the UI) and the account status never changes, they are always Enabled.

What am I missing here? Is it Case-Sensitive? There are no rules attached to the source except JDBC Provisioning.

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Can you try creating and attaching a JDBCBuildmap rule to the source, and add below line in the rule depending on your another attribute.
map.put(“IIQDisabled”, “true”);
Refer JDBC BuildMap Rule | SailPoint Developer Community

I should have mentioned I am trying to avoid that if possible, as it is one more thing to maintain when it should be possibly to pull it from the SQL, as described in the first link I mentioned. The value is showing correctly in the Account Attrbutes.

Side note: I believe I had this working before, but when I came back to this source to check something for certifications, it is no longer showing the enabled/disables status.

Are the conditions which IIQDisabled is set present in both the single and multiple account queries?

Unsure if it’s specifically required to be present in both, but was just curious

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Try to wrap the IIQDisabled alias definition in the query in double quotes if it’s not already. This fixed it for me in one instance against an Oracle Database.

case when COL_NAME <> 'A' then 'true' else 'false' end as "IIQDisabled" 
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Oddly enough at least for me it doesn’t seem to matter on SQL Server Databases

		WHEN u.IsActive = 0 THEN 'true'
		WHEN u.IsActive = 1 THEN 'false'
END AS IIQDisabled
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Yes, this is what it looks like in the query:

I tried this as well, but noticed that it was not quoted on the one I am working with currently, so I an giving that a try now. I am working with an Oracle DB also in this instance.

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It looks like this was it. I figured it had to be something simple. I did not have it quoted, which worked in the SQL Developer, but apparently not through ISC.

Side Note: When setting up the IIQDisabled value in the Schema, it did not care whether it was set to String or Boolean. Both worked once I got the query set.