How to reflect enabled/disabled status of jdbc accounts?

Hi! I have a JDBC connector, on which there is a table for users, with some status column. Value 1 means active, and value 2 inactive.

How can I map these values to be reflected on IDN accounts screen? At aggregation data is brought right (disabled users appears with 2 status), but at the accounts screen level it remains as active.

Hi Julian,

I don’t know if the JDBC will behave the same way as the WebService connectors, but on the WebService Connector we use de attribute IIQDisabled attribute mapped to the account. This attribute defines the status of the account on IDN Screen.

This attribute it’s only true or false, so maybe you will have to create some data transformation using Rules or something.

Here it’s an article regarding this attribute using the WebService connector, maybe you can find some more information there Generic after rule for account status in webservice source

Hi Felipe! That should mean to add it to the account schema? I will try it, as using a sql select, I think I can do it as simple as a case around the status field, and aliasing the field to IIQDisable name.

Hi Felipe! Just tested it, but unfortunately it does not work for this connector. I add it to schema:

and to the query:

Hi Julian,

I don’t know if it will make any difference, but you try to set the attribute type as boolean on the schema?


You can use JDBC builMap rule to override your attribute status value.

This “status” field column is mapped directly to account status, or it has to be added in schema?

This status is example, you can replace it with your source status attribute present in you source schemas

Hi Ousmane, I think the attribute value is not problematic here, because I can brought it with expected value in the query itself (via the SELECT CASE statement, for example … CASE status WHEN 1 then ‘false’ ELSE ‘true’ END AS IIQDisabled

Hi Felipe, tried IIQDisabled as boolean, but nothing changes. I think the IIQDisabled fake attribute is used on AD in provisioning only, is not present on the AD schema also. I raised a support request, so if they can guide me I will return with the answer.

Hi @jsosa ,

Do you try to add IIQDisabled in source schemas ?

I see this :

Loading a Single Account or Group (

Hi Ousmane! Yes I have tested it, but account still appears as Enabled. I got this message from support, they say that this feature is not ready yet, so I think it only remains to wait:

But when implemented for sure will be using this IIQDisabled attribute. Thanks everyone!

Hi Julian,

Actually it’s possible and i have configured in my Tenant.

****, case when IIQDisabled="True" then 'true' else 'false' end as "IIQDisabled"  from authoritative_source ....

In my case we have a attribute called IIDisabled in our database that can be “true” or “false” as string, but you can do with any other attribute.

I have also mapped in Account Schema but I’m not so sure if it’s necessary.

Based in your print screen your query should be:
case when ATTRIBUTE=1 then ‘false’ else ‘true’ end as IIQDisabled

Please let me know if works for you.

Thanks Yan, working! true/false order was incorrect.

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