IIQ To Do Plugin Demo

:spiral_notepad: Description Todo Plugin
:balance_scale: Legal Agreement By using this CoLab item, you are agreeing to SailPoint’s Terms of Service for our developer community and open-source CoLab.
:hammer_and_wrench: Repository Link https://github.com/sailpoint-oss/colab-todo-plugin
:open_book: New to IIQ Plugins in the CoLab? Read the getting started guide for IIQ Plugins in the CoLab.
:hospital: Supported by [email protected]


Introduced with IdentityIQ 7.1, the plugin framework provides the infrastructure and tools to enable developers to extend the Open Identity Platform to meet a variety of specialized use cases that one might encounter in a non-standard deployment. The plugin framework allows developers to create packaged functionality that integrates with IdentityIQ, in a upgrade safe and isolated manner. It gives implementers a safe option for creating User Interface extensions, REST services, Custom SailPoint configuration objects, and more. This guide is designed to walk through the basics of plugin development.

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Developing a plugin requires a fairly robust knowledge of IdentityIQ and its object model, Java, JavaScript, css, and SQL. This plugin is designed to provide development structure at the high level - what the components of a plugin are, which components are required, how those objects interact. Language specific tutorials are beyond its scope

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Plugin Developer Guide | SailPoint Developer Community : Throughout this document, examples will be taken and discussed from the ‘TodoPlugin’.

This plugin is intended to be a community driven effort - please feel free to update on your use of the Plugin Framework.

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