Description | Attach Very Attacked Persons scores from Proofpoint to Identities, to provide extra governance controls to risky users. | |
Legal Agreement | By using this CoLab item, you are agreeing to SailPoint’s Terms of Service for our developer community and open-source CoLab. | |
Repository Link | GitHub - sailpoint-oss/colab-proofpoint-plugin: Attach Very Attacked Persons scores from Proofpoint to Identities | |
New to IIQ Plugins in the CoLab? | Read the getting started guide for IIQ Plugins in the CoLab. | |
Supported by | SailPoint Certified | |
Contact | SailPoint Technology Alliance |
The Proofpoint Plugin provides a mechanism for IdentityIQ administrators to increase the governance of individuals within an organization that are frequently targeted by malicious email campaigns. These users may be targeted by their high profile, or their access to privileged information within an organization. The plugin also interfaces with the Proofpoint Security incident and event management (SIEM) API to create Identity governance alerts in response to malicious events detected by Proofpoint.
- IdentityIQ 8.0 or higher
- Proofpoint
- Valid Proofpoint TAP license
- Service Principal (received from Proofpoint)
- Authentication Secret (received from Proofpoint)
When the plugin is installed, several artifacts will be deployed into the IdentityIQ environment. This section explains the critical components
Database Tables
Table Name | Purpose |
iplus_proofpoint_settings | Contains plugin specific settings |
iplus_proofpoint_data | stores information regarding reset and alerts received |
iplus_proofpoint_vap_data | local storage for VAP list received from Proofpoint |
XML Artifacts
XML artifacts are imported into IdentityIQ when the plugin is installed. Some of these are required for retrieving data from Proofpoint, others are included as examples for implementers who would like to extended their governance capabilities using information from Proofpoint. These examples can be discarded or deleted from the environment if not needed.
Artifact Name | Display Name | Purpose |
Proofpoint_Application.xml | Proofpoint Alert Application | Used in creation of alerts - alerts in IdentityIQ must be tied to an application |
Proofpoint_SPRight.xml | Proofpoint Plugin Administrator (Capability + SPRight) | Used to limit which IdentityIQ users can access the Proofpoint Plugin components |
Proofpoint_Task_Definition_Alerts.xml | Proofpoint - Get Alerts | Task used to retrieve alert data from Proofpoint SIEM API |
Proofpoint_Task_Definition_VAP.xml | Proofpoint - Get VAP List | Task used to retrieve VAP data from Proofpoint People API |
Proofpoint_Rule_AlertMatch_Example.xml | Example alert match rule | |
Proofpoint_Rule_Certification_Entity_Selector | Proofpoint Very Attacked Persons | Example rule for creating targeted certification for VAP users (See appendix B) |
Proofpoint_Rule_VAP_Attribute.xml | VAP Attribute Rule | Example rule showing how to set an Identity attribute for users on the VAP list from Proofpoint |
Proofpoint_WF_LCM_Provisioning_Example.xml | LCM Provisioning Proofpoint Example | Example workflow that contains step to add additional approvals for requestee on the VAP list from Proofpoint |
Proofpoint_WF_Update_Password_Example.xml | Proofpoint Update Password Example | Example workflow that contains step to launch password reset flow using the Proofpoint rule library |
Proofpoint_AlertDefinition_Password_Update_Example.xml | Proofpoint Password Update AlertDefinition Example | Example alert definition that will launch the ‘Proofpoint Update Password Example’ workflow when activated |
Proofpoint_Rule_AlertMatch_Example.xml | Proofpoint Password Update Alert Match Rule | Example alert match rule that checks an Alert received from Proofpoint - if it is of type ‘Malware’ or ‘Phish’ the match will be made and the alert will be processed |
User Interface
The plugin installs a small user interface, reachable by clicking the ‘email’ icon in the top navigation bar of IdentityIQ.
*Note - this icon will only appear to identities with the System Administrator, or Proofpoint Administrator capabilities assigned to them
The actual user interface contains two tabs - ‘Password Reset’, and ‘VAP List’.
Password Reset
The Password Reset tab contains a list of all applications in IdentityIQ that are able to process password change requests. Administrators can then select which of these ‘supported’ applications they would like allow Proofpoint to initiate password change requets for, as a result of a security event detected in Proofpoint.
VAP List
The VAP list tab contains information about users that are currently on the Proofpoint ‘Very Attacked Persons’ list. The grid shows the Identity name, display name, and email address of each user. There is a handy option to refresh the list, as well as information on when the list was last refreshed.
- The ‘name’ column contains the Identity name of the user that appears on the VAP list
- The ‘Display Name’ column contains the displayable name of the Identity that appears on the VAP list
- The ‘Email’ column contains the email as it appears on the VAP list, that was used to correlate to an existing Identity cube
- The ‘Select’ column allows administrators to decide which Identities from the VAP list to include in any governance processes that utilize the list. Selecting this field for an entry will ‘enable’ VAP list processing for that Identity. By default, all users on the VAP list should be selected. Un-select the users that should not be included.
- Navigate to the plugin configuration page of IdentityIQ
- Click the ‘New’ button
- Click the area around ‘Drag and drop a file or click in this box to install a plugin’
Select the archive that can be downloaded here
The plugin will install - confirm that there is now an ‘email’ icon in the top navigation bar of IdentityIQ (visible only to Admins or users with the ‘Proofpoint Administrator’ capability
General Configuration
In order to communicate with Proofpoint, a couple plugin settings are required.
- Navigate to the plugin settings page for the Proofpoint Plugin
- Next, enter the following information
- Enter the URL for the Proofpoint API
- Entering the ‘Service Principal’ - this is the ID used for authenticating to Proofpoint and should be retrieved from Proofpoint
- Entering the ‘client secret’ associated with the above Service Principal value - retrieved from Proofpoint
Thats it - the rest of the settings on this page will be explained in the following use-case sections.
Aggregating Proofpoint Alerts
In addition to email security scanning, Proofpoint also maintains the ability to generate Security Incident and Event Management (SIEM) style alerts. The Proofpoint plugin can be configured to allow Proofpoint to create Identity governance alerts in IdentityIQ in response to these security events when detected. Once the identity alerts have been created in IdentityIQ, implementers can configure an appropriate behavior in response - launching a governance workflow, creating a targeted certification, or simply alerting an administrator that an alert has occurred. The identity alerts can be configured as outlined here.
To configure IdentityIQ for Proofpoint alert consumption
- Navigate to the plugin settings
- Click ‘Enable Alert Creation’ in the settings options
- Now, Navigate to the ‘Setup->Tasks’ interface
- Next, run the ‘Proofpoint - Get Alerts’ Task. This will retrieve event and alert data from the Proofpoint SIEM API. If the administrator would like to set this as a scheduled task - Proofpoint recommends doing so at a rate of 1 execution per hour.
After successful execution, navigate to the ‘Setup->Alerts’ user interface
- Make sure to adjust the filter settings on this page to see alerts that have not yet been acted upon
- Clicking a Proofpoint generated alert will give basic information about the event
- Once alerts have been successfully imported into IdentityIQ from Proofpoint, implementers can configure specific Alert Definitions - these contain alert match criteria, and alert governance actions when an alert is matched. More on the process of creating and configuring alert definitions can be reviewed here.
Specific to Proofpoint alert definitions, administrators can create a specific ‘selector’ to match against alerts of a particular type. To constrain an alert to match against Proofpoint ‘phish’ or ‘malware’ type alerts, simply add the match terms to the ‘selector’ section of the alert definition
- Setup a new task of type ‘Alert Processor’
- (Optional) In the ‘Optional filter string to constrain the alerts processed’ enter:
Alert.type == "malware" || Alert.type == "phish"
Save and execute the task. If the alert definitions are valid, and the any of the alerts received match against the match criteria defined on the alert definition - then the configured action from the definition will take place.
When an alert is matched during the Alert Processor task, whatever ‘Behavior’ that was specified in the Alert Definition will be launched.
Utilizing Proofpoint ‘VAP’ Lists
Proofpoint maintains a concept of ‘Very Attacked Persons’ or ‘VAP’s’. These are users in an organization that are frequently targeted by malicious email attacks - emails that contain phishing links, or other malicious content. Specifically, these are users that are generally in sensitive or elevated roles that may have elevated access profiles within an organization. The Proofpoint plugin contains a library of helper functions that allow systems integrators an easy to access and use from within IdentityIQ beanshell rules. For instance, an organization may find it prudent to take a more aggressive stance when certifying individuals with sensitive access that are frequently the target of malicious emails. In this case, an identity-based certification can be configured to be populated with only users whose emails exist on the Proofpoint VAP list. Alternatively, integrators can use the Proofpoint VAP list to adjust the levels of approval required when an access request is submitted for a user who appears on the VAP list. This section will outline the ways in which IdentityIQ implementers can utilize the Proofpoint Plugin rule library in order to quickly configure a certification.
Viewing the VAP list
IdentityIQ administrators, or those with the capability ‘Proofpoint Plugin Administrator’ have the ability to navigate to a new user interface that is installed with the plugin. This interface displays the enterprise identities that currently (as of last execution of the task ‘Proofpoint - Get VAP List’). To the view list:
- Click the ‘email’ icon that now appears in the main navigation bar of IdentityIQ
- Next, click the ‘VAP List’ tab
- Click the ‘VAP List’ tab of the interface
- This date shows the last time that the VAP list was retrieved from Proofpoint
- The grid will show the Identity name, displayname, and email address of all identities that appear on the Proofpoint VAP list and can be correlated by email address back to an Identity
Creating a Certification
- Click 'Setup->Certification
- Selected ‘Targeted’ from the dropdown
- In the ‘Who do you want to certify’ wizard, select ‘Rule’
- The plugin ships with an example rule, called ‘Proofpoint Very Attacked Persons’ - implementers can use this rule as a launching point for their implementation. See ‘Appendix B - Proofpoint Very Attacked Persons Example Rule’ for a printout of what this rule does. This rule is of type ‘CertificationScheduleEntitySelector’.
Fill out any other relevant options for the certification, as you would any other targeted certification. Select primary certified, and backup etc.
Once launched (either immediately or on a schedule), the certification will be generated and sent to the appropriate reviewer