IDN Lite Licensing

Hello @tyler_mairose,

Thank you for your response and welcome!
We need to identify which identities will adhere to each license type, we currently use the following rule:
Active account on authoritative basis = Licensed identity
Inactive account on authoritative basis = Unlicensed identity

However, an update appeared, where we were able to use the Lite-type license, which respects the following criteria:
Active account on authoritative basis and has up to five linked accounts on identity = Identity lite
Active account on authoritative basis and has more than five accounts linked on identity = Licensed identity
Inactive account on authoritative basis = Unlicensed identity

**IdentityNow accounts and authoritative basis should not be included in the license count.

The difference between the scenarios is that previously it was not necessary to identify the accesses to define the type of license, and now I need to know the status of the account and which accesses it has in IdentityNow to understand how to classify it.

I can filter this action via Search, but I didn’t find a way to do it via transform, since I didn’t find any Counter-type transform.

Hope this helps, please let me know if you need any more information.