IdentityNow VA Configuration Feedback

Hey so I’ve got a piece of feedback/an enhancement after an experience with a client that could go a long way towards preventing issues with VA setup.

This link provides more comprehensive information but there’s a key piece of info that I think should be included within the tenant itself and that’s this key sentence right here:

The keyPassphrase cannot start with a special character, and cannot include !, /, \, or spaces.

We (myself and a coworker) burned almost 20 hours with a client last week who did their own VA migration and that quoted sentence ended up being why their VAs were not working properly. It would be great if there’s a way you could add that as a note to step 5 on the instructions presented within the tenant itself.

Can you elaborate on where you want to see this key sentence? Do you want to see it in the docs you linked to? Is there a README on the VA that it should be in?

It is located here:

What I was hoping for was to include a 5a so to speak telling you what characters are illegal in the keypassphrase. Something like I’ve mocked up in this screenshot. I think it should be more clear on this page that you can’t have !, /, or \ and that the keyPassphrase can’t start with a special character without having to reference the separate documentation site.

@colin_mckibben if you wanted to include that info inside the config.yaml as a comment that would probably be sufficient as well but IMO, the caveats about special characters in keyPassphrase need to be more clear and obvious in the event a partner or client is doing their own VA setup without Sailpoint EBS services.

Thank you for the very clear ask on where you want to see this added. I have opened a ticket (SAASDOCS-6421) for our UI docs team to look into this.