IdentityIQ OOTB Entitlement Update workflow

Which IIQ version are you inquiring about?

Version 8.0

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We’re working on updating the entitlements through SailPoint AD Group management operations like Create/Update/Remove/Reactivate the AD Groups in Target. Is there any OOTB workflow for updating the entitlement?



There should be a workflow with name Entitlement Update which comes OOTB

Did you check this workflow already?

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Hi @Shivaleela,

There is “Entitlement Update” workflow which can be leveraged for implementation of different use-case of entitlement management.

You can use some custom tasks or quicklink to launch bulk action for these changes. Let us know if you need further help.


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Thanks for the response, Satish. Yes, we’ve gone through it now. Marking this as resolved. Thanks much.

Thanks for the response, Ashutosh. Yes, we’ve gone through it now. Marking this as resolved. Thanks much.

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