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Hello ,
We are doing a WebService connector, and we got an error when mapping attributes in getObject operation :
’ Caused by: org.apache.bsf.BSFException: The application script threw an exception: sailpoint.connector.ConnectorException: Identity attribute [URLID] was not found.’
and it’s configured on the app schema :
But when removing the mapping on Response Attribute Mapping
it works
We want to map the response but we get the error as mentionned as mentioned before
any idea where probleme is ?
Hi Massinissa,
It would be great if you could share schema and operation response mappings for accounts aggregation so we could take a look if there are no errors. (Perfect would be whole app xml after anonymizing).
is the attribute path correct and context url correct?
attribute path has any extensions. maybe share the postman response on get users to see how the response comes.
Do not see any issues with your sample script, ofcourse you could also test the same from UI, performing single account aggregation on the identity. As Vinod mentioned, share the response body from postman to validate if the path given is correct.