Idenitity attribute not foung on GetObject Webservices

Hello ,

We are doing a WebService connector, and we got an error when mapping attributes in getObject operation :
’ Caused by: org.apache.bsf.BSFException: The application script threw an exception: sailpoint.connector.ConnectorException: Identity attribute [URLID] was not found.’

and it’s configured on the app schema :

But when removing the mapping on Response Attribute Mapping
it works

We want to map the response but we get the error as mentionned as mentioned before

any idea where probleme is ?
NB : we checked the account an the identities

Hi @massinissa,

getObject is launched after a provisioning or in the manage account page.
I this you have this error after a creation or an update because in your response provPlan is not present this attribute.

If you can print the the plan in after rule of creation or update and share the logs

Hi @massinissa ,

I would suggest you confirm how the response is presented from the API request.

For Example:

   "URLID": "12345",
   "NAME": "testing"

The response mapping will be $. If you attempt to access the value through an array it should be represented as * and not $.

Please let me know if this helps.

i call it in an after rule of add entitlement,

i tried to do it in after provisioning plan , but still getting the same error ,

should i check other things ?


:face_with_monocle: you can configure the getObject for account and getObject-group for entitlement and those are alaunche automatically after a provisioning.

Try to configure it without launch in the after rule.
Also, in after rule print the plan so you can see if you the identifier in the plan

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