IIQ 8.4 JDBC Connector, null value for the Identity Attribute during Creation (Joiner)

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Version 8.4

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Hi all,

I’m facing an issue with my JDBC connector. During the Joiner event, the “getAttributeRequestValue(account, “userID”)” retrieves a null value, where on the identity side, there is an existing value.

On the application’s configuration side, this userID is defined as the Identity Attribute. I discovered that, if I change its configuration and set another attribute as “Identity Attribute”, the above code will retrieve the correct value for userID, but it will retrieve a null value for the new selected attribute as “Identity Attribute”.

Another screenshot of my configuration and provisioning rule below.

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE Rule PUBLIC "sailpoint.dtd" "sailpoint.dtd">
<Rule name="mySQLProvisioningRule" type="JDBCProvision">
  <Description>This example JDBC rule can process account creation requests, deletion requests, and modification requests that pertain to the “role” attribute. It logs debug messages if other account request types are submitted.</Description>
  import java.sql.Connection;
  import java.sql.ResultSet;
  import java.sql.DriverManager;
  import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
  import java.sql.SQLException;
  import java.sql.Types;
  import java.util.List;
  import sailpoint.api.SailPointContext;
  import sailpoint.connector.JDBCConnector;
  import sailpoint.object.Application;
  import sailpoint.object.ProvisioningPlan;
  import sailpoint.object.ProvisioningPlan.AccountRequest;
  import sailpoint.object.ProvisioningPlan.AttributeRequest;
  import sailpoint.object.ProvisioningPlan.PermissionRequest;
  import sailpoint.object.ProvisioningResult;
  import sailpoint.object.Schema;
  import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
  import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;

  public Object getAttributeRequestValue(AccountRequest acctReq, String attribute) {
    if ( acctReq != null ) {
      AttributeRequest attrReq = acctReq.getAttributeRequest(attribute);
      if ( attrReq != null ) {
        return attrReq.getValue();
    return null;

  ProvisioningResult result = new ProvisioningResult();
  PreparedStatement selectStatement;
  PreparedStatement updateStatement;
  PreparedStatement insertStatement;

  // Initialize the log for this rule
  Logger log = LogManager.getLogger("rule.JDBC");
  log.info("rule.JDBC: Start");

  if ( plan != null ) {
    List accounts = plan.getAccountRequests();
    if ( ( accounts != null ) && ( accounts.size() > 0 ) ) {
      for ( AccountRequest account : accounts ) {
        try {
          if ( AccountRequest.Operation.Create.equals( account.getOperation() ) ) {
            // Check if the user exist on the sql database
            selectStatement = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM users WHERE userID = ?");
            selectStatement.setString(1, getAttributeRequestValue(account, "userID"));
            log.info("Searched user account's employeeId value on the database: " + getAttributeRequestValue(account, "userID"));
            ResultSet resultSet = selectStatement.executeQuery();
            log.debug("Result from the SQL search: " + resultSet);

            if (resultSet.next()) {
              // User already exists, update the user
              log.info("The user already exists");
              updateStatement = connection.prepareStatement("UPDATE users SET username=?, capability=?, firstname=?, lastname=?, status=?, locked=?, test=? WHERE userID = ?");
              updateStatement.setString(1, getAttributeRequestValue(account, "username"));
              updateStatement.setString(2, getAttributeRequestValue(account, "capability"));
              updateStatement.setString(3, getAttributeRequestValue(account, "firstname"));
              updateStatement.setString(4, getAttributeRequestValue(account, "lastname"));
              updateStatement.setString(5, getAttributeRequestValue(account, "status"));
              updateStatement.setString(6, getAttributeRequestValue(account, "locked"));
              updateStatement.setString(7, getAttributeRequestValue(account, "test"));
              updateStatement.setString(8, getAttributeRequestValue(account, "userID"));
              log.info("Updated user on the database");
            } else {
              // User does not exist, create the user
              log.info("The user does not exist");
              // Creation of the user account with only the userID value
              insertStatement = connection.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO users (userID) VALUES (?)");
              insertStatement.setString(1, getAttributeRequestValue(account, "userID"));
              log.info("Creation of user's userID in the database:" + getAttributeRequestValue(account, "userID"));
              log.debug("Value of the retreived user's userID from IIQ: " + getAttributeRequestValue(account, "userID"));
              // Check if the user was correctly added to the database
              selectStatement = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM users WHERE userID = ?");
              selectStatement.setString(1, getAttributeRequestValue(account, "userID"));
              log.info("Searching the newly added user to the database: " + getAttributeRequestValue(account, "userID"));
              ResultSet resultSetAdded = selectStatement.executeQuery();
              log.debug("Result from the SQL search: " + resultSetAdded);
              if (resultSetAdded.next()) {
                // The new user was correctly added to the database
                log.info("Retreived created user on the database");
                updateStatement = connection.prepareStatement("UPDATE users SET username=?, capability=?, firstname=?, lastname=?, status=?, locked=?, test=? WHERE userID = ?");
                updateStatement.setString(1, getAttributeRequestValue(account, "username"));
                updateStatement.setString(2, getAttributeRequestValue(account, "capability"));
                updateStatement.setString(3, getAttributeRequestValue(account, "firstname"));
                updateStatement.setString(4, getAttributeRequestValue(account, "lastname"));
                updateStatement.setString(5, getAttributeRequestValue(account, "status"));
                updateStatement.setString(6, getAttributeRequestValue(account, "locked"));
                updateStatement.setString(7, getAttributeRequestValue(account, "test"));
                updateStatement.setString(8, getAttributeRequestValue(account, "userID"));
                log.info("Provisioned user on the database");
              } else {
                // The new user was not correctly added to the database
                log.info("Not retreived user, closing now");
          } else if ( AccountRequest.Operation.Modify.equals( account.getOperation() ) ) {

            // Modify account request -- change role

            PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement( "update users set role = ? where login = ?" );
            statement.setString ( 2, (String) account.getNativeIdentity() );
            if ( account != null ) {
              AttributeRequest attrReq = account.getAttributeRequest("role");
              if ( attrReq != null && ProvisioningPlan.Operation.Remove.equals(attrReq.getOperation()) ) {
                statement.setNull ( 1, Types.NULL );
              } else {
            result.setStatus( ProvisioningResult.STATUS_COMMITTED );

          } else if ( AccountRequest.Operation.Delete.equals( account.getOperation() ) ) {

            PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement( (String) application.getAttributeValue( "account.deleteSQL" ) );

            statement.setString ( 1, (String) account.getNativeIdentity() );

            result.setStatus( ProvisioningResult.STATUS_COMMITTED );

          } else if ( AccountRequest.Operation.Disable.equals( account.getOperation() ) ) {

            // Disable, not supported.

          } else if ( AccountRequest.Operation.Enable.equals( account.getOperation() ) ) {

            // Enable, not supported.

          } else if ( AccountRequest.Operation.Lock.equals( account.getOperation() ) ) {

            // Lock, not supported.

          } else if ( AccountRequest.Operation.Unlock.equals( account.getOperation() ) ) {

            // Unlock, not supported.

          } else {
            // Unknown operation!
        catch( SQLException e ) {
          result.setStatus( ProvisioningResult.STATUS_FAILED );
          result.addError( e );
        finally {
          if(statement != null) {

  return result;


Hi @AmineS,
This is because userID is the identity attribute. Hence, it is not coming up in the provisioning plan. You can useaccountRequest.getNativeIdentity() method to fetch userID.


Hi Jarin,
Thank you for your help, it fixed my issue !


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