I need to Create ticket in Jira when access request is approved

when user request any Role or Access profile once approval completed. i need to create Jira ticket for that i found two ways

  1. Integration of Atlassian Cloud Jira SDIM Source
    2.by creating workflow - using Webhook
    I like to use 2. will it work?


Welcome to the developer community Prakash,

Yes, you should be able to do this with a workflow. You can use the Access Request Decision trigger to kick off the workflow. Setup a trigger filter to only activate the workflow if the requested item is a role or access profile and it was approved. You can then use the HTTP Action to send a request to Jira to create a ticket with the necessary details.

If you’re new to these things, I highly recommend you signup for developer days. On day 3 I will be demonstrating the various capabilities of event triggers and workflows which will help you understand how to achieve a use case like this.

Thank you, I have signed up for Developer Days. mean while can get any documentation regarding this use case

The links I supplied in my response above are the technical docs that cover workflows. I’d start there and read everything. Then start playing around with workflows to get comfortable with it. And, of course, join my session next week to see a live demo.