How to sort Certification Access Review on Decision Column

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Version 8.1

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We have a situation where there are couple of thousand entities in a certification which were delegated to respective managers with access review required. After managers have made the decision, these entities are waiting for certification owner’s review who has to do accept/reject decision one entry at a time which is very cumbersome.

  1. Is it possible to sort the Certification Access Review Table on Decision Column i.e list all Approved , Revoked or Delegated in order Or is there a way to add filter to list only revoked entries? So certification owner can just do filter and approve/revoke in bulk.

Thanks for your help in advance.

I think only option is workaround , Add below entry and then this can be sorted

<ColumnConfig dataIndex="action-status" groupProperty="action.status" headerKey="Leader Action" hidden="true" hideable="true" property="action.status" sortProperty="action.status" sortable="true" stateId="action-status"/>

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