How to retrieve the Groups from LDAP Application

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How can we retrieve the Groups Of LDAP Application.
For example , there is Parent Group (i.e. aaa) and it consists of child groups (i.e. aaa01,aaa02,aaa03). how can we retrieve total number of members present in the child group(i.e.aaa01…)
Please provide your inputs on this

@AkashRaavi131 ,

Question is do you want a solution to read Groups from LDAP application or do you require members of child groups from parent group?

if this is a requirement from reporting standpoint or from application group aggregation?


Hi Dheeraj,
Thanks for the Response,
Yes, we require members of child groups.
we want to add members to child group , before that need to check total members of the child group , this logic wants to develop through code.


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