Unable to get membership group after aggregation


We are working with Open LDAP to provision and read membership groups. We are able to assign groups to accounts but when we launch aggregation tasks groups are not retrieved in the account.

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We are working with Open LDAP to provision and read membership groups. We are able to assign groups to accounts but when we launch aggregation tasks groups are not retrieved in the account. We have tried preview account in the schema and we see the group assigned.

Schema is configured as following:

Schema aggregationType="group" displayAttribute="cn" featuresString="PROVISIONING"  identityAttribute="dn" " nativeObjectType="posixGroup" objectType="posixgroup">
      <AttributeDefinition name="cn" type="string">
        <Description>common name(s) for which the entity is known by</Description>
      <AttributeDefinition multi="true" name="memberUid" type="string">
        <Description>unique member of a posixGroup</Description>
      <AttributeDefinition name="dn" type="string">
        <Description>Directory Path</Description>
      <AttributeDefinition name="gidNumber" type="string">
        <Description>Group ID</Description>
      <AttributeDefinition name="description" type="string">
        <Description>descriptive information</Description>
          <entry key="groupMemberAttribute" value="memberUid"/>
          <entry key="memberAttribute">

This is the entry to fetch groups

<entry key="posixgroup.searchDNs">
<entry key="iterateSearchFilter"/>
<entry key="objectType" value="posixgroup"/>
<entry key="searchDN" value="ou=UNIXGroups,ou=Groups,o=xx"/>
<entry key="searchScope" value="SUBTREE"/>

Also, we have included this entry:

<entry key="enablePosixGroups">

And this is the entry to fetch groupMembership

  <entry key="groupMemberFilterString"/>
  <entry key="groupMembershipSearchDN">
  <entry key="objectType" value="posixgroup"/>

Any idea about this issue?

Thanks in advance

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Finally we were able to retrieve groups from account, setting value groupMembershipSearchDN in searchDNs entry for each iterateSearchFilter

 <entry key="searchDNs">
		<entry key="groupMembershipSearchScope">
				<entry key="groupMemberFilterString"/>
				<entry key="groupMembershipSearchDN">
				<entry key="objectType" value="posixgroup"/>
		<entry key="iterateSearchFilter" value="(uid=*)"/>
		<entry key="searchDN" value="ou=People,o=es"/>
		<entry key="searchScope" value="SUBTREE"/>
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