How to obtain an Access Request id submitted via API?

Hi, we are integrating IDN with a tool for requesting and approving accesses. When access is approved in that tool, they use IDN Rest API to request the access on IDN (which grants the entitlement without approval).

The access request submit call {{baseUrl}}/access-requests only returns the HTTP code 202 if submit was successful.

As they need to check the provisinoing status (sucess, executing, error) of the submitted request, and the status needs the request id, how can obtain this, via API? (Request Center shows it on the IDN UI, but as the sumit request does not return it, we are having trouble to find it programatically).

I think You will have to look at the account activity to be able to get the requested.

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You’ll have context of the requested-for id as part of submitting the access request. You should be able to follow up with v3/access-request-status?requested-for=‘requestedForValueFromSubmission’&sorters=-created to get the details you need

Hi @jsosa,

The only way to get the access request status via API is by doing a GET Access request Status call. But to get the get the request details, you will need to pass the accountActivityItemId and there is no way of determining the exact ItemId pointing to the particular access request.

The requested-for or regarding-identity filters may not work if there are multiple requests submitted for a user.

You can take a look at the below thread with a similar discussion.

I though that this will happen. As they want to maintain approval on their actual system, only alternative I see is that they sent in comment the id of the opened flow, and use some workflow to close it when is finished.

I will indagate more, because if is based on service now perhaps I can use some IDN native integrations.

Here is the idea thread with similar requirements.

Unfortunate that it is still not implemented and would be affecting a lot of customers.

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Thanks! Added my vote.

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