Hi All,
We have a requirement to send an email notification upon termination for a specific source only. Is there a way to get the source name in a workflow so I can filter only the source that I need?
Thank you!
Hi All,
We have a requirement to send an email notification upon termination for a specific source only. Is there a way to get the source name in a workflow so I can filter only the source that I need?
Thank you!
Hi @jasmedina ,
You can use the workflow trigger for Provisioning Completed. You can apply the filter such that it is triggered only for the respective source and termination(Disable) action.
In the next step, you can retrieve the source name from the trigger input body. We implemented a similar case where source name is needed.
Let me know if any further questions.
Uday Kilambi
Hi @jasmedina ,
You can use the provisioning completed trigger. You can use the provisioning Completed trigger and apply the filter like is triggered for the respective source and the operation is disable (disable because of “Termination” condition).
$.accountRequests[?(@.provisioningResult == 'committed' && @.provisioningTarget == 'Source_Name' && @.accountOperation=='Operation')]
If you need more clarification about this trigger, visit the below link:
Also, If you need to see about filters, visit:
Hi Gokul!
Thank you for your input. I used the filter as you suggested, however, when I tested the workflow, the trigger still ran even though it does not satisfy the filter criteria. I tried running a scenario wherein the source name is different from the filter. If you could provide your insight again, that would be really helpful! Thank you
Hi Jasmine, does it work using the workflow test utility?
Hi @jasmedina ,
Below filter worked for me with source:
$.accountRequests[?( @.accountOperation == “Disable” && @.provisioningResult == “committed” && @.source.name == ")]
The only change I see from Gokul’s suggestion is, it should have been source.name rather than source_name
Uday Kilambi
Hi Uday,
I tried this as well but when I ran the Test Workflow functionality, it still bypassed the filter. Also, should the workflow contain a loop operator? Thank you!
Hi Julian,
It works but it still bypassing the filter
Can you specify how did you test this out?
Testing the workflow directly always bypasses the filter, please try enabling the workflow and do a real time test, if not done so.
Adding to Uday suggestion, it would be helpful if you paste here the json you are using as the input of your workflow test, and the filter.
This should work probably. Else try the below,
In Provisioning Completed trigger, use
$[?($.sources == "source_name")]
From the above screenshot, you just need to change the value 2 as “disable”. You can use this “compare Strings” after the “provisioning completed” trigger.
Try this and if this also not works fine so, can you provide your workflow json here, it would be more helpful to troubleshoot.
Here is the JSON File. It is now working in Test Workflow feature but I have yet to try via Workday aggregation.
TestONiTTermination20240626.json (7.8 KB)
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