Provisioning Completed Trigger Filter


I am unable to trigger a provisioning completed workflow using the following filter logic

$.accountRequests[?(@.provisioningResult == ‘committed’ && @.provisioningTarget == ‘Target Name’ && @.accountOperation == ‘Modify’)].attributeRequests[?(@.operation == ‘Add’ && @.attributeValue =~ /^TEST_/)]

Filter works without below attributeRequests, but we need role attribute value filter starts with ‘TEST’

attributeRequests[?(@.operation == ‘Add’ && @.attributeValue =~ /^TEST_/)]

@skotian Can you eloborate the requirements or what are you trying to achieve?


we have a requirement where we need to send a email to particular group of team when someone request any role starting with ‘Test’ which got assigned for particular provisioning Target.

Hey Sandhya,

Try this filter logic instead, I have updated the logic for attributeRequests to give you the all the attribute values starting from ‘TEST’.

$.accountRequests[?(@.provisioningResult == 'SUCCESS' && @.provisioningTarget == 'Corp AD' && @.accountOperation == 'Modify')].attributeRequests[?(@.operation == 'Add' && @.attributeValue.toLowerCase().startsWith("test")  )]

You can modify the values as per your requirement.


I did something wrong ?

Hey Sandhya,

My bad, it seems like startsWith and toLowerCase methods are not supported by SailPoint filtering. :point_down:

I modified it, now comparing using Regex. Validated this filter string as well. :+1:

$.accountRequests[?(@.provisioningResult == 'SUCCESS' && @.provisioningTarget == 'Corp AD' && @.accountOperation == 'Modify')].attributeRequests[?(@.operation == 'Add' && @.attributeValue =~ /test.*/i )]

same issue. WF didn’t triggered for role that start with Test.

Can you check if you are comparing with correct values, like

  • provisioningResult == ‘SUCCESS’
  • provisioningTarget == ‘Corp AD’
  • accountOperation == ‘Modify’
  • operation == ‘Add’

If you all these are correct, could you share the Provisioning Completed Trigger input you are getting in the workflow?

If you drop the json file it could be more efficient way to identify the issue and help to resolve it.

Here is the file
sailpoint.json (3.1 KB)