How to create this task?

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I dont have the ability to import a file right now so my only option is to create this task manually. I have the xml. I also cant copy paste it. how do I create this task manually from the UI?
Task - RemoveInactiveUsersEntitlements.xml (1.5 KB)

Hi @dk0200,

Attached xml file is referring run rule task. Please follow the below step.
Got to Setup—>Task---->New Task—>Select Run Rule—>Specify the Name for the task and select the rule from drop down—>save.


Hi @dk0200 ,

Since the XML seems to be custom and not the standard OOTB run rule task you would need to do some modifications.

Since you cannot copy it follow these steps:

Initially, you will need to create the task just as mentioned above by @Arun-Kumar then:

  1. Navigate to the debug page.

  1. Enter TaskDefinition as the object and name as theTask Name you just created.

Then you should open the object and replace the contents as provided in the XML you shared.


this is not just a run rule task. It also takes an argument.
<Argument helpKey="Select Identities to Delete" multi="true" name="ids" type="Identity"> <Prompt>Identities</Prompt> </Argument>

for some reason , it wont save when I paste the contents.

I figured it out. had to create a run rule taskdefinition first and then edit the xml to add the arguments.

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