Batch Request for Deleting Entitlements and Roles from several users at once

I am trying to find a way to remove several users 1 one entitlement or role at 1 time. I know I need to do a batch request but do not understand what columns to create in the csv sheet. Below is a screenshot of an example of a entitlement and the members its attached to.

HI @derrickthomasvdot ,

You can try below format:

operation application attributeName attributeValue identityName
AddEntitlement Application1 Attribute1 Value 1

Thank you Dheeraj.

So looking at the given screenshot…could you please confirm the following for confirmation?

Application 1 would be Active Directory - Statewide etc…
Attribute1 would be member of?
Value would be the entire domain path?
Identity name would be the identity?

Hi @derrickthomasvdot

Yes, That’s correct.

from notepad application or excel?

Anything works but just save it in .csv format

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