Getting Error: Connection reset

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IIQ 8.4

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We have one web services application where we have operation for Attribute Sync, and we are getting above error on intermitted basis it is like for 5 accounts attribute sync is happening correctly but for 6 account getting above error and as it is OOTB Rest api calling from sailpoint so we cannot handle this error.
Any solution will be appreciated.

Hi Ujjwal,

Do you get this error only for AtributeSync operation? Is it because of the so many attribute sync calls happening at the same time to target system? You can once review these additional configuration parameters if that helps. We were facing HTTP response issue when multiple entitlements were requested along with Create operation and additional config param - ```
createAccountWithEntReq will help.


True, many attribute sync is happening but I believe it is not happening at same time because we have seen the SailPoint logs and the timestamp at which connection reset happened at that time only one Api request is being sent to target system, and we have seen the target system logs and surprisingly this particular Api request where connection reset happened not hit the target system and therefore not any error visible at target system logs at that particular timestamp.

so, my query is let’s suppose even if SailPoint is hitting multiple modify Api request at same time so how can we handle Connection reset issue?

and even if it is not hitting at same time then how can we handle this situation?

and as per your suggestion we are not hitting create operation/add entitlement opeeration so how and where we can use createAccountWithEntReq params?

and one more FYI, we are using Load balancer so whether it can cause issue?

Hi Ujjwal,

In your case you may not need createAccountWithEntReq param to be set to true in application config. This flag is used to skip add entitlement call when executing create account with entitlements.

Behind the LBR - are you able to successfully perform test connection on all individual IIQ servers?



Hi @pallavi
Yes, we are able to do success test connection from all servers.

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