GET requests not returning unique objects

When performing a GET /entitlements, the results exceed the limit of 250 objects, which requires paging. As I page thru the records, I will get a total count at the end, that matches the number of objects that I would expect to retrieve.

But not all of those objects are unique. An entitlement object that is returned on page 1, may very likely also be returned on page 7. I had thought I had solved for this on /access-profiles using sort by name. It doesn’t appear to help on /entitlements other than sort the records within the page returned.

Is this known behavior?

Just a sanity check, but you are using the sorters query parameter in your call, right? I typically use ?sorters=id in such a situation

I was using sorters, but I was using sorters=name. Good call on considering use of id instead! That gets me the expected results.

It had momentarily occurred to me that sorting on the name may have been the trouble. In this case the entitlement names have delimiter characters ‘$’, and that somehow is impacting the sort?

Thank you