GenAI Entitlement Descriptions

To generate entitlement descriptions via AI, the documentation says “Only available for customers in AWS regions where the AWS Bedrock LLM that SailPoint employs is supported.” Which regions support it?

I just googled “AWS Bedrock LLM Regions” and got this

OK- US East and West are in there. But I don’t see it available in my tenants.

I believe it’s something you have to be licensed for. Our license level is ISC Standard so it’s not enabled in mine either despite being in the correct regions

In the FAQ section of this article, in says Gen AI Descriptions are only included in the ISC Business Plus suite and cannot be purchased as an add-on. It answers some other questions that might also be helpful.

Which of the Identity Security Cloud Suites is this included in, and how do we get it?

GenAI Descriptions for Entitlements is part of Identity Security Cloud Business Plus, and is available for use immediately by Business Plus customers. It can not be purchased as an add-on.