File Upload Utility

Hi team,

We are aggregation CSV file using file Upload Utility in identityNow …
When we run PowerShell, Getting success in 5-8 sec, however showing pending in identity now.

Here my question is what File Upload Utility do exactly, does that just read the file and import in our tenant ?

Thank you,

Hi Sai,

Please reference for File Upload Utility Information.

Hi Deeraj,

Thank you for reply , I already gone through above link.

But I didn’t find any answer for my question.

File upload Utility just red the file and show success message ?

It wont wait till aggregation is completed in IDN?

Hi Sai,

Looks like it just uploads the file and send it to automated aggregation, it doesn’t wait for aggregation to be completed.

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If I recall correctly, the File Upload Utility is just a wrapper around the “/cc/api/source/loadAccounts” API so you should be able to check this API for documentation and/or run this directly via Postman/CURL to verify the functionality.

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HI Sai,
We are using Flat File Upload Utility and it does not wait for aggregation. IT just uploads the file and starts the aggregation. If anything failed it gives a generic error.

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