Error with Active Directory User creation


Creating account on Active directory with following user DN format,
“CN=” + identity.getFirstname() + " " + identity.getLastname() + “,CN=Users,DC=demo,DC=com”

Following error encountered.
Errors returned from IQService. “Failed to update attributes for identity CN=test user,CN=Users,DC=demo,DC=com. The specified directory service attribute or value does not exist.”

And account is getting created on Active Directory Application.

It is probably because of other attributes you are provisioning as part of user creation. Check if there are any schema attributes have violated length constraints or you are provisioning an attribute which is not present in AD.


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Hi @fghafour ,

I agree with @venkateshkan can you please share what other attributes you are sending for AD Creation this error is due to other attribute issue and not account creation.

Thank You @dheerajk27 & @venkateshkan for your responses.

I’m able to provision on Active Directory successfully. You were right, the issue was with other attributes not with user DN.

I’m passing below values now, and it is provisioned successfully.

Hi @fghafour ,
Thankyou for the confirmation, please go-ahead and mark this topic as resolved.

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